At Yankee Custom Marketing, we partner with organizations that recognize the unmatched power of storytelling in print.

Stephen Emrich, writing for Entrepreneur magazine, emphasizes that physical publications build credibility, brand awareness, and a deeper connection with audiences. He cites The Scientific American, noting, “The human brain will remember words on a physical paper much better than it would remember words displayed on dynamic screens.”

Magazine advertising, in particular, continues to resonate. Over the past eight years, magazine readership has increased, and targeted ads in niche magazines often yield a higher return on investment compared to digital ads. Emrich highlights that selecting the right magazine for the right audience is crucial for maximizing ROI.

“Stories create a blueprint to organize content that would otherwise feel scattered and random,”

Celine Da Costa, Forbes

Celine Da Costa, in Forbes, underscores the importance of storytelling for business marketing. She argues a well-crafted story creates a cohesive content strategy, helping brands communicate their vision effectively. “Stories create a blueprint to organize content that would otherwise feel scattered and random,” Da Costa writes. She adds that storytelling fosters deeper connections with prospective clients in ways digital media cannot.

Successful companies like Apple, Tesla, and Google have built their legacies on compelling stories tied to their founders’ visions. These stories instill a sense of purpose and meaning, making the brands much more than just companies.

Target audiences crave connections with relatable individuals and brands. By investing in storytelling with Yankee Custom Marketing, businesses and nonprofits can make significant inroads, surpassing competitors who neglect this powerful tool. As Da Costa says, “Storytelling connects us, helps us make sense of the world, and communicates our values and beliefs. The strongest stories tap into people’s emotions, genuinely connect with them, and help them believe in a business and what it stands for.”

Organizations often excel in their core products or services but struggle to connect their work with the needs of outsiders. Yankee Custom Marketing helps these firms craft and present their stories effectively, ensuring they resonate.

The statistics speak for themselves. Magazine publishing and readership are on the rise. The News/Media Alliance 2022 Fact Book reports that print and digital editions reached a 42% brand audience increase from December 2020 to December 2021, totaling over 600 million readers. Magazine audiences grew from 210 million in 2012 to over 222 million in 2021, with 122 new magazines launched in 2021 alone.

Why this resurgence? People appreciate the tactile experience of a well-designed magazine and its rich content. Effective storytelling in print can create a ripple effect, spreading a brand’s message far and wide.

Yankee Custom Marketing can help your company tell its story and connect you with your customers in powerful, authentic, and long-lasting relationships.